Testimonials from local businesses

Many companies have worked with us to support and guide our students. This is what they have to say:

simon francis from lignum designs who is a mentor and guest speaker 
"These interactions with the College have given me a fresh insight into the importance and challenges of preparing young people for the working world"

Simon Francis

Lignum Designs

richard smith from babcock supporting one of our students in a careers carousel
" It is without doubt that career events are invaluable and create opportunities for students to engage with local and wider industry professionals from many diverse occupations in very demanding and challenging times"

Richard Smith


Ifiona coates from dwp conducting a mock interview
"Sir John Hunt is extremely pro active and a pleasure to work with" 

Fiona Coates

Department for Working Pensions 

global companies work with us to raise aspirations
"Students that we have engaged with have been a pleasure, displaying good employability skills and positive attitudes. As a result they have obtained employment with us. We are proud to be supporting young people  and encouraging them to raise their aspirations"      

Neal Frame


Regional firms promote careers in construction to year 7 students  to raise aspirations early
" There are over 180 different roles within Construction and we must inspire students at a young age to think about their careers and the many varied roles that they can enter and pathways that they can follow when they finish education" 

John Lee

Business Improvement Manager

South West Highways

we work with global organisations to make our students "work ready" 
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with your students. Each group were polite, involved in the activities and debates, and they all behaved brilliantly.
Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and warm welcome"

Jo Trendall

Tranformation Trust/Barclays Life Skills