All students in Key Stage 3 have access to a dedicated computing lesson a week; students study topics from all three computing strands, through a range of topics such as:
Cyber Protection
Provides learners with the tools to use technologies and online services securely and how to identify and report inappropriate conduct.
Game Development
Provides learners with a block based programming skill, as well as developing their creative and planning ability, to create a game within platforms Scratch or/and Kodu.
Data Analyst
Provides learners with data modelling skills, whilst using a spreadsheet effectively to apply formulas, functions and produce graphics/charts to represent data.
Hardware & Software
Provides learners with the understanding of how computers work, how they are built and how they communicate information using binary code. Learners will also understand the purpose of a network and how they are constructed through various pieces of hardware and peripherals.
Provides learners with practical textual based programming skills using Pythons programming language. Learners will develop their problem solving skills by debugging code to find a solution.
Graphic Design
Provides learners with graphic editing skills whilst using a graphic editing package; learners will also understand how audience influences the final design of a graphic.
Assessment in computing captures the progress students are making at the 12 week intervals throughout each academic year. Each assessment covers both previous and present units learning to ensure students retain their knowledge.
• Ebacc club – Students in year 7 and year 8 can access the KS3 learning club to receive support with their homework.