Key Stage 3

At KS3, we have developed a curriculum which provides students a breadth of knowledge, combining units which cover both Britain’s historical chronology from 1066 to the present day. as well as thematic units which focus on key themes. The KS3 curriculum provides students with the skills, techniques and knowledge they will need to become outstanding historians at KS4 and, just as importantly, citizens which have a pride and understanding of human heritage.

Content of Course:

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Roman Britain
Challenges to the Catholic Church (Tudors)
The Norman Conquest
The English Civil War
Nancy Astor
Islamic Civilisations
The Kingdom of Benin
World War One
Church and State
Slave Trade
Russian Revolution
British Empire
The Holocaust
The Silk Roads
Industrial Revolution
Plymouth in the Blitz
The Black Death

Media and War


Assessment in history aims to capture the progress students are making at the 12 week intervals throughout each academic year. This enables teachers to know which skills to re-teach. Teachers can identify gaps in student learning and, through effective feedback, students can resolve misconceptions and swiftly develop further knowledge and refine skills in their next unit. Each assessment covers learning from both previous and present units, to ensure that students retain their knowledge.