Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3, we follow the Devon Agreed Syllabus which states that, at KS3:

“Students should extend and deepen their knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and beliefs, recognising their local, national and global context. Building on their prior learning, they learn to appreciate religions and beliefs in systematic ways. They should draw on a wide range of subject-specific language confidently and flexibly, learning to use the concepts of religious study to describe the nature of religion. They should understand how beliefs influence the values and lives of individuals and groups, and how religions and beliefs have an impact on wider current affairs. They should be able to appraise the practices and beliefs they study with increasing discernment based on analysis, interpretation and evaluation, developing their capacity to articulate well-reasoned positions.”

At Key Stage 3 we aim to deepen students’ knowledge about religion, by studying systematic units and then a thematic unit which build on students’ learning, by comparing religions, beliefs and practices.

Units of study at KS3

At Key Stage 3 we study the following units:

Year 7

• What does it mean for Christians to believe in God as Trinity?
• Should Christians be greener than everyone else?
• What difference does it make being atheist or agnostic today?
• The Buddha: How and why do his teachings and experience have meaning for people today?

Year 8

• Good, bad, right, wrong: How do I decide?
• Does the world need prophets today?
• How are Sikh teachings on service and equality put into practice today?
• How can people express their spirituality through the arts?

Year 9

• What is so radical about Jesus?
• What is good and challenging about being a Muslim in Britain today?
• How far does it make a difference if you believe in life after death?
• Why is there suffering are there any good solutions?


Each unit studied by students will assess three core elements:

• Making sense of beliefs
• Making connections
• Understanding the impact.

This is done in the form of a written assessment containing questions in which students are required to show knowledge and understanding, analytical and evaluative skills.

Students are assessed in relation to the end of unit expectations which then feed into the end of key stage expectations, as outlined by the Devon agreed syllabus.

Additional support

Students can access the KS3 Homework Club to receive support with their homework.