Key Stage 4

At KS4 (Years 10-11), all students are prepared for GCSEs in both English Language and English Literature, following the AQA syllabuses. GCSEs are now 100% exam based. Students also complete their GCSE speaking and listening presentation/assessment at the end of Year 9.

English Language GCSE

Exam Board: AQA

In English lessons, students are taught the communication skills they need for every aspect of daily life, both in school and beyond. Lessons balance reading and writing, to help students develop and apply these skills.

all texts in the exam will be unseen

English Literature

Exam Board – AQA

English Literature is highly valued by employers and higher education institutions. It enables students to develop an understanding of themselves and of the world around them, as well as honing the analytical skills useful in many areas of work and education.

The Literature exams are ‘closed book’, i.e., students cannot access copies of the texts studied during the exams.

All students will take the two subjects (English Language and English Literature) and gain two separate GCSEs.

Speaking and listening will also receive a separate recorded grade as a pass, merit or distinction.

Additional Support/Intervention:

Students can receive the following interventions in English as appropriate:

•  Period 0 English Literature Revision
•  Champions’ Hour in The Learning Café 4pm-5pm to support students
•  Year 11 Personalised Gap Filling (QLA) sheets created for students following a GCSE English /              English Literature PPE, to support them with working on areas of the exam that they need support      with.

Homework/Revision: Seneca

Students have logins for this platform and can access this at home or in College:

Students can log into Seneca using their school e-mail. They can access this platform at home or in College.