Key Stage 3

All students will experience and gain skills in a variety of media, such as painting and drawing. They will complete a variety of projects, exploring the formal elements of art, with the aim of developing a wide range of skills. Students will gain an insight into a variety of artistic styles, movements and cross curricular links. Students will develop an understanding of the creative process, using research and experimentation to solve problems and develop ideas for an imaginative and creative outcome. They will develop language skills (visual, written and oral), reviewing their work and analysing that of others.

In Year 7, students are able to develop observation skills, through drawing and painting from objects and photographs. They will explore the formal elements of art and develop an understanding of how the formal elements are used to create a successful piece of art. In Year 8, students are able to refine their observation skills, through drawing and painting from objects and photographs. They will explore a variety of artistic styles and movements, to develop an understanding of the creative process from start to finish. Students are actively encouraged to discuss the themes and concepts involved, forming their own opinions, whilst also appreciating the opinions of others.

All projects will be delivered as simplified GCSE specifications, to ensure that all students have the opportunity to analyse, experiment, record (draw) and finally create a final outcome. Every lesson, students receive feedback and technical assistance to help them to improve their work.

Additional support

• Extra-curricular club: students in Year 7 and Year 8 can access the KS3 Learning Club to receive support with their homework.


Assessment in art aims to capture the progress that students are making at four points throughout the academic year. This enables teachers to know which concepts, knowledge and skills to re-teach which were not grasped the first time. Teachers can identify gaps in students’ learning and, through effective feedback, students can quickly develop further knowledge and understand more variety of concepts and how to perform skills.