This starts by planning courses that enable students to achieve high level passes at GCSE, opening the doors to further study at Level 3.
Our aim is for students to build upon the skills and knowledge developed at Key Stage 3, in order to become more effective communicators (in words and pictures), critical thinkers and creative practitioners. The projects that students undertake need to be varied, so that each student can experience a broad range of art, craft and design practice. The projects also need to be longer so that students can develop their ideas and practical skills in far greater depth.
What will I study?
Art and Design is an optional subject that is very popular. Our aim is to develop the skills and confidence that enable students to become more independent as the course progresses. Students will need to respond to numerous challenges, using the creative process to develop imaginative, skilful and personal responses. There are opportunities for cross-curricular links.
Students make their own informed choices about the way in which their work will progress and develop, as they improve their practical skills and develop their own ideas, feelings and opinions through their artwork.
Assessment in art is based on the 4 assessment objectives for both coursework and external examination. There is a progress tracker which enables teachers to know which work needs re-visiting, to enable students to make good progress. Teachers can identify gaps in students’ learning and, through effective feedback, students can resolve misconceptions and swiftly develop further knowledge and skills.
Students are able to use a variety of media to produce their artwork.
Additional support
• Morning intervention – students work on a rotation and have an additional 2.5 hours of art with a specialist per week.
• Period 7 – Students complete a period 7 lesson in art on a rotation with other option subjects, focusing on the development of portfolio work.