Last term we were very fortunate to be able to exhibit the stand up to bullying campaign at Sir John Hunt with an important message from the Plymouth Artists Together group.
Respect is one of our core College values and we expect all or our students to respect themselves, others and the environment around them. We want our students to feel safe and secure when in College and we offer a wide range of support and enrichment activities to help them grow into polite, confident and resilient young adults. We are extremely lucky to have a wonderful team of staff at Sir John Hunt who are here to support our students achieve academically and overcome their challenges in College.
We recognise that at times students require additional support and intervention from adults to help them overcome their worries and concerns. It is for this reason that we have re-launched our Tell Us process reminding students that if there is something that is worrying them, or someone who is causing them distress then they should Tell Us. Students are reminded that they should tell an adult in school if something is concerning them: normally this would be their Pastoral leader, Inclusion Lead or tutor but any member of staff can support.
On the College Website we also have a ‘Tell Us’ button on the student
safeguarding page that students can use to tell us things that may be worrying them outside of the school day. On this page there are also links to other support agencies. Our
Mental Health and Wellbeing page also has lots of links and strategies to support our students’ mental health, with many of the services having professionals on call to help.
The stand up to bullying campaign certainly had our students talking and was a great way to re-launch our Tell Us process.