
Sixth Form Bingo!

In an electrifying evening of numbers and dabbers, the Sixth Form got together for their second Bingo Night extravaganza of the year, this time in support of Children in Need. The students played for Easter-themed prizes, ranging from chocolate treats to Easter eggs. But the real surprise came in the form of some bonus Home Study Passes, offering lucky winners a coveted break all in the name of charity.

Amidst the winners, one name shone brightly: Billy P. With astonishing luck and keen concentration, Billy swept the boards, clinching not one, not two, but a staggering three sets of prizes! I guess that is the luck of Bingo!

As the bingo balls rolled, our resident Bingo Caller MC Fort kept a lid on the excitement as students got closer to filling their lines and houses; his unique calling ability keeping the students on the edge of their seats.

Another fun night of prizes and charity....Until the next one!