Hundreds of eager Year 12 students from various schools across the region embarked on a journey of exploration and discovery at this year’s UCAS Fair held at Exeter, Westpoint. Organised annually, this event is a crucial stepping stone for students thinking about higher education.
Upon entering the hall, students were greeted with an exciting atmosphere of over 100 university representatives. These representatives came from esteemed institutions, each eager to showcase their respective programmes and opportunities.
The fair offered a comprehensive platform for students to engage with universities on a personal level, gaining insights into courses, campus life, and extracurricular activities. From Oxbridge to Russell Group universities, the diversity of options catered to a huge range of academic interests and career aspirations.
Overall, the Year 12 students departed with newfound knowledge and a sense of purpose, embarking on their journey towards higher education with confidence and conviction. Another successful year of raising awareness and aspirations for the bright futures awaiting them all.