service |
contact number |
website/email address |
Emergency Services |
999 |
Police (Non Emergency) |
101 |
NHS (Non Emergency) |
111 |
CAMHS - Support for child mental health |
01752 431601 |
Childline |
0800 1111 |
Children’s Services (Gateway) |
01752 668000 |
Children Services (Out of hours) |
01752 346886 |
Citizen advice |
0344 4111 444 |
FRANK – Teenagers pressured into taking drugs |
01628 796518 |
1st Stop Shop - To include:
- Housing advice - Housing benefit - Council tax - Bus passes - Other council info |
01752 668000 |
Harbour young people service- support for young people around alcohol and substance misuse |
01752 434295 |
Jeremiahs Journey |
01752 763666 |
KOOTH - Free safe anonymous counselling support |
Multi Agency Hub |
01752 305200 |
0808 800 5000 |
Samaritans |
0300 094 5717 |
Salvation Army |
01752 767534 |
The Zone - Youth support for a variety of problems. To include:
- Mental Health - Mediation - Housing for young people - Sexual health info |
01752 206626 |
Universal Credit |
0800 328 5644 |
Virgin Care - immunisations info |
0333 321 9884 |
Young Devon Youth Services |
01752 894921 |