Frequently asked questions relating to Sixth Form and KS5 courses.....

Q:  When will I receive my sixth form timetable?

A:  All timetables will be finalised once we have received final GCSE results in August.  These will then be issued during your enrolment day and induction week at the beginning of the new school year.

Q:  How can I get help with my Transition work?

A:  Email your teachers and ask!  It is important at KS5 that you communicate with your teachers and although you can always ask them in lessons or in school, email is a really useful way to check things, to ask questions or to go over things you are unsure of.

Q:  How do I get to lessons at one of the partner schools?

A:  Your transport will all be organised for you, and you will have your own personal transport schedule.  Transport will be via our own SJH mini bus and driver.  Occasionally, we might use one of the contracted taxi firms where small numbers of students are travelling between schools.

Q:  If I study at a partner school or Training Provider, how do I get reports?

A:  Your partner schools and Training Providers will complete your reports and send these to us at SJH.  We will then add or include this in your report in the normal way.  You and your parents will also be invited to parents' evenings at all schools or colleges to discuss your progress.

Q:  Can I change course?

A:  Although we can make some course changes until the 2nd or 3rd week in September of your first year, it is normally not possible to change course any later than this.  It is vital that you discuss any concerns about your options as soon as possible so that if we do need to look at a course change, we can help you as soon as possible.

Q:  What is the dress-code for Sixth Form?

A: We will outline your dress-code during enrolment and induction week but when in school or college, you are expected to dress appropriately at all times.  Some courses will have specific requirements or clothing while most academic courses will simply need you to be clean, covered and comfortable.

Q: How does the 16-19 Bursary work?

A:  Some students will be eligible to apply for the 16-19 Bursary which is designed to support students and help them to stay on in sixth form.  We will help you with these applications during induction week.  Your payments are linked to your attendance in school or college.

Q: Will I be able to study at home?

A:  Every week, there is an opportunity for Sixth Form students to earn a 'Home Study Pass' (HSP) which will allow students to leave college after their morning timetabled sessions.  These HSPs are awarded every week to all students who have met our expectations linked to homework, conduct and punctuality and are extremely popular!

Q:  Will I get help and advice with University and Apprenticeship applications?

A:  Yes!  This is a huge part of what we do in Sixth Form and we appreciate that all students will have their own plans, aspirations and needs when it comes to planning and applying for Post-18 options.  We have a structured Next Steps programme which begins in Year 12 and which will ensure every student has access to the best information, advice and guidance that they need to make informed choices.