Health & Social Care

The following materials, links and resources are designed to support your transition from KS4 to KS5 and to help you in preparing for your new course.

You should try to absorb all the 'watch it' and 'read it' materials as these have been chosen by your KS5 subject teachers specifically to support your new subjects.

The KS5 transition activities can be handed in to your subject teacher on or before your first lesson in September. These tasks will help you in preparing for your new subjects but will also help teachers to make sure you are suited for these subjects but they are not essential. Teachers will check your suitability during the first weeks of the course.

Watch it...

The following documentaries and films give very good starting points for Health & Social Care students which you should watch and absorb before beginning the course.

Read it...

The following articles and websites provide some very useful reading for all KS5 Health & Social Care students.

Do it...

All students moving on to study H&S Care can complete the following transition activities to get a feel for the course and the type of content which will be covered.

Take time to research and explore the ideas in each section. There is a wealth of material available online so don't hurry to complete this but, instead, take time to understand and examine each perspective and idea... and enjoy the research!

Check it...

It is important that you communicate with teachers when in sixth form so we would always encourage you to ask for any additional materials, support or advice on your subjects.

If you have any questions about the Health & Social Care Transition Task, you can use the following email: