Computing: Google Classrooms

As part of the College’s support for students during this unprecedented time the Computing Department has set up online lessons and support using Google Classroom. Please follow the instructions below to get started:

If you have any logging in issues, please contact:

Students that are new to Google Classroom

To access Google classroom, students can either go to:, download the Google Classroom app from their device app store or click the link below:

Username and initial password on first login

For example:
• a year 7 student named John Smith would have the username:
• a year 9 student named Betty Boo would have the username:

Logging in for the first time

When first logged in, students will need to change their password. We suggest using their college username e.g. 17firstname.surname or writing down their own password for the system.

There will be some circumstances where students may have trouble logging in due to issues with usernames or passwords. In this instance, please can you email with the year and name of the student that is having issues and we will aim to assist as promptly as possible.

Once logged in Google Classroom, students will need to join their classes. Each student will be a member of a Computing class for their Year group.

Students will be required to join a class using the following class codes for their year group by clicking the + button in the top right of the screen.

Google Class Codes and Teacher Contact details